Christine Hall
Master of Business Administration
Richard Kinzett is Head of Strategic Partnerships at WorkCover in Brisbane, Australia.
Head of Strategic Partnerships at WorkCover
Brisbane, Australia
An experienced IT and business engagement manager, Richard Kinzett says he thrives in environments with a strong strategic vision and a high level of commitment to customers and people.
Richard started his Waikato MBA journey by enrolling for a Postgraduate Diploma of Management Studies, based in Tauranga.
"My attraction to the MBA was based on a desire to understand more about corporate management and leadership, add greater value to the organisations I work for, learn more about myself, and get the university qualification that I didn’t get after leaving school," he says.
With only six months of the Postgraduate Diploma left to complete, Richard was asked to take a new job in Brisbane and ended up commuting back to Tauranga every fortnight for six months to complete the programme.
"Two years after gaining the PGDipMgst I decided to complete my MBA, so it made sense to commute from Brisbane again for the remaining 12 months of study," he says.
"The MBA has been both challenging and rewarding. The breadth of topics were always relevant to business; and the mix of individual work, group work, presentations and tests ensured you gained a thorough understanding of every topic."
"The best part was that you could take this understanding and immediately apply it to your organisation, or even better, to yourself."
Today, Richard Kinzett is Head of Strategic Partnerships at WorkCover in Brisbane, Australia.
"I very much enjoy the strategic aspects of my role; assisting organisations to create and prioritise opportunities and set exciting future directions. This is an area that I definitely want to further develop and grow as my career progresses."
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