Environmental Sciences are interdisciplinary with a focus on ecology, soil and water environments and geochemistry.

Environmental Sciences is available as a first major for the Bachelor of Climate Change (BCC), Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Bachelor of Science (Technology) (BSc(Tech)). Environmental Sciences may also be taken as a second major or minor in other undergraduate degrees, subject to approval of the Division in which the student is enrolled.

To complete Environmental Sciences as a single major for the BCC, BSc and BSc(Tech), students must gain 135 points including EARTH101, ENVSC101, ENVSC201 and ENVPL303; one of BIOEB202 or BIOMO203; one of CHEMY204 or ENVSC202; one of EARTH221, EARTH231 or EARTH241; and two papers in different subject areas from BIOEB303, BIOEB304, BIOEB305, BIOMO303, CHEMY304, EARTH313, EARTH321, EARTH322, EARTH331, EARTH341, EARTH342, or ENVSC302.

To complete Environmental Sciences as part of a double major for the BCC, BSc, BSc(Tech) or other undergraduate degree, students must gain 120 points including EARTH101, ENVSC101, ENVSC201 and ENVPL303; one of BIOEB202 or BIOMO203; one of CHEMY204 or ENVSC202; one of EARTH221, EARTH231 or EARTH241; one of BIOEB303, BIOEB304, BIOEB305, BIOMO303, CHEMY304, EARTH313, EARTH321, EARTH322, EARTH331, EARTH341, EARTH342 or ENVSC302.

To complete a minor in Environmental Sciences, students must complete 60 points from the papers listed for the Environmental Sciences major, including at least 30 points above 100 level. Students must include ENVSC101 and ENVSC201.


Students who commenced a major in Environmental Sciences in 2017 or prior should contact the Division of STEM for programme advice.

Other qualifications

Prescriptions for:

Environmental Sciences papers

100 Level 200 Level 300 Level 400 Level 500 Level 800 Level 900 Level
Code and paper title Points
BIOEB102 Introduction to Ecology and Biodiversity - Mātai Hauropi a Kanorau Koiora right arrow

An introduction to the principles of ecology and biodiversity. Topics include population, community and ecosystem ecology, conservation biology, and...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga)
CHEMY100 Chemistry in Context - Matū o te Ao right arrow

This paper covers a broad range of chemical concepts that are fundamental to the sciences and engineering. A strong emphasis is made to teach...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga)
CHEMY101 Structure and Spectroscopy - Tūramaramatia i ngā Hanganga right arrow

A theoretical and practical course covering aspects of analytical and inorganic chemistry. This course is required for the chemistry major.
He pepa...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25C (Hamilton)
EARTH101 Introduction to Earth System Sciences - Pūtaiao Pūnaha Whenua right arrow

A lecture and laboratory paper that explores the interacting processes that affect the surface of the Earth, producing landforms and resources, with...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga)
ENVSC101 Environmental Science - Pūtaiao Taiao right arrow

A scientific study of the interaction between humans and the environment including climate change, utilisation and exploitation of natural resources...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga)
Code and paper title Points
BIOEB202 Principles of Ecology right arrow

This paper covers the principles of ecology, including adaptation to the environment, intra- and inter-specific interactions, community and ecosystem...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga)
BIOMO202 Genetics right arrow

This paper deals with genetics in the widest sense from the molecular and cellular to the applied and evolutionary. Both prokaryote and eukaryote...

15 25A (Hamilton)
BIOMO203 Microbiology right arrow

This paper will focus on microbial cell structure, function, and metabolism. Content and context will be drawn from both human and environmental...

15 25A (Hamilton)
CHEMY204 Analytical Chemistry right arrow

This paper covers aspects of analytical chemistry including statistical methods and techniques such as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC...

15 25A (Hamilton)
EARTH221 Soil Science right arrow

An introduction to the nature, formation, and classification of soils, their physical, chemical, mineralogical, and biological properties, and issues...

15 25B (Hamilton)
EARTH231 Water Resources, Weather and Climate right arrow

Introduction to atmospheric and hydrological processes affecting water resources in Aotearoa / New Zealand, including the distribution of water in...

15 25A (Hamilton)
EARTH241 Oceanography right arrow

This paper introduces students to the broad scale properties, issues, and research importance of the global ocean via the main disciplines of...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga)
ENVSC201 Environmental Monitoring right arrow

An introduction to reasons for, and design and implementation of, environmental monitoring in New Zealand. Skills in data collection, management...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga)
ENVSC202 Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry right arrow

This paper is a broad introduction into environmental chemistry and geochemistry including the formation of the elements, chemical evolution of...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga)
Code and paper title Points
BIOEB303 Terrestrial Ecology right arrow

This paper explores ecological theory to understand the dynamics, functioning, and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems in New Zealand and across...

15 25A (Hamilton)
BIOEB304 Freshwater Ecology right arrow

Freshwater ecology is the study of how organisms in freshwater ecosystems interact with each other and their environment. This paper will introduce...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga)
BIOEB305 Marine Ecology right arrow

An introduction to the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems. The paper explores the fundamentals of ecology (e.g. disturbance/recovery...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga)
CHEMY304 Advanced Analytical Chemistry right arrow

This paper covers advanced aspects of analytical chemistry including mass spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS...

15 25B (Hamilton)
EARTH313 Engineering Geology right arrow

Engineering Geology is the application of the principles of Earth Sciences to ensure hazards associated with landslides or unfavourable soil and rock...

15 25A (Hamilton)
EARTH322 Soil and Water Management right arrow

This paper integrates an understanding of land/soil and water processes that occur at paddock to catchment to national scales. A focus is on...

15 25A (Hamilton)
EARTH331 Hydrology right arrow

This paper examines aspects of the hydrological cycle at a regional scale, focussing on catchments in the North Island of Aotearoa New Zealand...

15 25B (Hamilton)
EARTH341 Coastal Oceanography right arrow

This paper focuses on the physical oceanography of the coastal zone. Topics include estuarine circulation, wind driven currents on the shelf...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga)
ENVPL303 Environmental Assessment and Policy right arrow

This is a project-based paper that provides an understanding of how environmental assessments are prepared, and used to assist decision-making and...

15 25B (Hamilton)
Code and paper title Points
LEGAL434 Environmental Law right arrow

This paper examines the foundations and principles of environmental and resource management law, their expression in key areas (biodiversity, climate...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga)
Code and paper title Points
BIOEB503 Terrestrial Ecology right arrow

This paper aims to develop students' understanding of ecological theory with a focus on terrestrial ecosystems, and of how theory can inform...

15 25A (Hamilton)
BIOEB504 Freshwater Ecology right arrow

This paper explores how advances in ecological theory and scientific methods can deliver new insights into the structure and functioning of...

15 25A (Hamilton)
BIOEB505 Coastal and Estuarine Ecology right arrow

This paper emphasises multi-disciplinary science to better understand the functioning of soft-sediment ecosystems. The course will cover ecological...

15 25X (Block)
BIOEB506 Environmental Physiology right arrow

An examination of selected topics in environmental physiology, considering how animals and plants interact with their environment and influence...

15 25B (Hamilton)
BIOMO503 Microbiomes right arrow

This paper explores microbiomes in the environment and in association with multicellular organisms, including humans, to understand their critical...

15 25A (Hamilton)
BIOMO512 Molecular Techniques for Environmental Science right arrow

This paper will introduce students of diverse scientific backgrounds to current and emerging molecular analytic and diagnostic techniques used across...

15 25B (Hamilton)
CHEMY503 Analytical Methodology right arrow

An advanced study of analytical methodology and instrumental techniques, this will investigate sample extraction techniques, and instrument choice...

15 25A (Hamilton)
EARTH501 Volcanic Techniques and Applications right arrow

This paper investigates geological techniques used to reconstruct eruption processes and histories, and their application to society, including...

15 25B (Hamilton)
EARTH503 Coastal Processes: Analysis and Prediction right arrow

This paper considers techniques to predict coastal processes for management and research, including assessment of which processes to observe, how to...

15 25A (Hamilton)
EARTH504 Geohazard Risk right arrow

This seminar paper evaluates the methodologies used to characterise risk associated with geohazards, and assesses the impact of strategies employed...

15 25B (Hamilton)
EARTH506 Sedimentary Geology right arrow

A paper that builds on the foundational knowledge of sedimentary geology established at the undergraduate level. It focuses on examining the...

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENVSC502 Conservation and Restoration: Theory and Practice right arrow

This paper examines the application of scientific principles and theories in conservation biology and restoration ecology, with particular reference...

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENVSC503 Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Land right arrow

Processes and factors controlling exchanges of water, carbon and greenhouse gases in natural or managed ecosystems, methodologies to quantify them...

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENVSC504 Pollution and Environmental Contaminants right arrow

This paper examines the ecological effects of chemical and non-chemical pollution. Analysing online databases and the scientific literature provides...

15 25B (Hamilton)
ENVSC505 Environmental Systems: Biogeosciences across Scales right arrow

This paper examines how core concepts in the multidisciplinary field of biogeochemistry provide a systems understanding across scales.

15 25B (Online)
ENVSC592 Dissertation right arrow

A report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation - 60 points.

60 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga)
ENVSC594 Environmental Sciences Thesis right arrow

An externally examined piece of written work that reports on the findings of supervised research - 120 points.

120 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga)
SCIEN501 Science Research Methods right arrow

This paper is an introduction to professional practice as a scientist and is required for MSc(Res) degree students. This paper may be taken by MSc...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga)
SCIEN502 Science and Mātauranga Māori right arrow

This paper will provide science students with a foundational understanding of both scientific and Mātauranga Māori perspectives on topical issues and...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga)
SCIEN503 Science Communication in Society and the Workplace right arrow

This paper discusses ways in which science can be communicated by scientists to others. It includes interacting with mainstream media, how to...

15 25C (Hamilton)
SCIEN512 Data Analysis and Experimental Design right arrow

This paper covers aspects of research design for experiments, and methods for analysis of scientific data using modern statistical techniques.

15 25A (Hamilton)
SCIEN520 Dissertation right arrow

A report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation, in the form of an individual project based on the analysis of existing data.

45 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga)
SCIEN523 Dissertation right arrow

A report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation, in the form of a project based on the analysis of existing data. All students...

45 25C (Hamilton)
SCIEN589 Directed Study right arrow

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25C (Hamilton) & 25C (Tauranga)
Code and paper title Points
ENVSC800 Environmental Sciences MPhil Thesis right arrow

120 25X (Hamilton)
Code and paper title Points
ENVSC900 Environmental Sciences PhD Thesis right arrow

120 25I (Hamilton) & 25J (Hamilton) & 25K (Hamilton) & 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga)

2025 Catalogue of Papers information current as of 16 Jan 2025 01:00am