Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies Human Research Ethics
Te Kāhui Manu Taiko – The term 'kāhui' in Māori is used to describe a flock and the term 'manu tāiko' is used to describe the bird which acts as sentry or lookout for the whole flock.
Thus, the role of Te Kāhui Manu Tāiko: Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies Human Research Ethics Committee is to safeguard its members engaged in ethical research. The authority for this committee is delegated from the University Human Research Ethics Committee. The role of the HRE committee is to approve ethical aspects of research methods.
Current Committee Members

Research Associate

Research Fellow


Research Fellow

Associate Dean of Academic

Lecturer - Maori and Indigenous Studies


Associate Professor
University Regulations and Information
Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao - Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies follows the University of Waikato's regulations and guidelines on Human Research Ethics Regulations 2008. Information on these regulations can be found at the following locations:
- UoW Calendar - Ethical Conduct in Human Research and Related Activities Regulations
- UoW Calendar - Student Research Regulations
Guidelines for Applicants
All students enrolled in any level of study and staff undertaking research involving human research in FMIS must receive ethical approval from the FMIS HRE committee. Prior to commencement of research approval must be obtained for:
- any research in which any individual persons or groups of people become the subject of academic enquiry, whether by observation, question, participation in an experiment, interview, wānanga, hui or by other means including, for example, the obtaining of personal information about a person through third parties.
Ethics Documents
Your ethical application should consist of the following documents (Click on the appropriate link below to access the application documents):
Application Cover Sheet
This form states that you agree to abide by the University's Ethics Regulations outlined in the UoW Calendar - Ethical Conduct in Human Research and Related Activities Regulations.
Research Ethics Application
This form gives a detailed description of your intended research project. It covers research methodology, your intended processes, confidentiality etc.
Participant Information Sheet
This will be the document you give to your participants to explain the purpose of your research and how you would like your participant to be involved.
N.B. You will be required to fill out and submit a separate 'Participant Information Sheet' for each method that you are intending to use as part of your research project (see below).
- Download a Participant Information Sheet for an interview
- Download a Participant Information Sheet for a questionnaire
- Download a Participant Information Sheet for a wānanga
Consent Form
You will need your participants consent that the information they are giving can be used in this research prior to the commencement of your research.
Interview Questions, Questionnaire or Survey
A copy of your interview questions or questionnaire or survey must be attached to your application. These may be in draft form.
- All applications must be submitted on the appropriate forms
- All student applications must be approved and signed by their Supervisor
Undergraduate Taught Paper Applications
Faculty staff can apply for Ethics Approval for undergraduate papers where, as part of the assessment, students interview human subjects.
All undergraduate taught paper Ethics approval applications must be completed using specific Faculty documentation.
The form will be uploaded shortly. In the meantime, contact the Faculty Office on 07 838 4737.
Other Useful Documents
- Staff/Students must gain ethics approval from Te Kāhui Manu Tāiko before commencing data collection.
- Staff/Students will need to complete the required Faculty Ethical Application documents, and in the case of a student application, have them approved and signed by their Supervisor.
- New application forms are to be submitted to/or emailed to the Faculty reception. An electronic (WORD or PDF format) copy is preferred.
- Your ethics application will be forwarded to Te Kāhui Manu Tāiko for consideration.
- Applicants should allow at least two to three weeks for their application to be reviewed.
- If there are any requests for additional information or changes, your application will be returned to you via email.
- Amended applications should then be returned to the Convenor, who will notify you whether or not approval has been granted.
- Once ethical approval has been granted, an approval letter and copy of the approved application will be sent to you.
- Documentation relating to an application for ethical approval will be held on file by Te Kāhui Manu Tāiko.
If you have any queries about the Ethical application process, please contact the Convenor by email.