The University has this week implemented PayMyPark as the parking payment management platform for its general on-campus parking in Hamilton.
PayMyPark functions as an Android or Apple app. Payment can also be made via the PayMyPark website.
Users can set up an account or pay for parking on a casual basis, with credit card payments or internet banking.
The payment machines previously used at the University, which were expensive to maintain, have been decommissioned, with paying for parking now quick, easy, cashless and paperless through PayMyPark.
The University moved to cashless operations earlier this year, and the addition of PayMyPark to its parking management operations has taken the cashless approach a step further.
PayMyPark is widely used across New Zealand by local authorities, including Hamilton City Council, so University of Waikato students and visitors will find more than one use for the app.
Find more information about parking at the University’s Hamilton campus and using PayMyPark.