Completed projects

Toitū te noho: creating healthy relationships with the environment for future generations
The aim of this project was to co-produce knowledge that achieves multidimensional wellbeing for whānau and hapū in order to restore and reconnect Ngāti Tamaterā (NT) to their ancestral lands.

Kua takoto te mānuka: Investigating the commercial potential of Mānuka on Ngāti Korokī-Kahukura lands
'Kua takoto te mānuka' aimed to establish priorities, build capacity and capability, and identify a number of staggered opportunities and innovations that will contribute to economic growth and overall wellbeing of the iwi, Ngāti Koroki-Kahukura.
Te Hau Mihi Ata: Mātauranga Māori, Science & Biotechnology
This project explored ways to link mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge traditions) and western science and technology to tap the potential for innovative thinking that could shape new directions in science. A collaborative research team of Māori educated in western-based science, and experts in mātauranga Māori, who have been led by Professor Linda Smith, focused on novel biotechnologies where there is a clear divergence of views, but where transformational thinking has the potential to deliver innovation.
By working together, Māori scientists and mātauranga Māori knowledge holders can create new knowledge that can be used for wealth creation, as well as delivering social, cultural and environmental benefits. This project was funded over four years by the Ministry for Science and Innovation.
Strategic Step Change: Māori entities in the science sector
The aim of this project was to look at existing examples of engagement between Māori entities and the science sector to determine where the obstacles are and the means of correcting or preventing them. Our objective was to explore what strategies have been used by Māori entities to deal with the dilemma caused by this misalignment, and how these strategies have potentially changed the rules of engagement and contributed to the growth and development of the entities. This collaborative project between BERL and Te Kotahi Research Institute was funded by Te Puni Kōkiri.
Te Toi Roa: Towards an Evaluation Methodology for Mana Whenua and Mataawaka Well-Being in Tamaki Makaurau
This scoping project was commissioned by the Independent Māori Statutory Board (IMSB) to inform the development of an evaluation methodology for mana whenua and mātaawaka wellbeing in Tāmaki Makaurau. The project aimed to identify the issues associated with measuring wellbeing, how Māori outcomes and measures have been included in council planning documents, and a preferred approach for developing a framework of mana whenua and mātaawaka wellbeing.