WMIER offers the Division of Education staff support to maintain, quality assure and complete their research outputs in IRIS and their PBRF Evidence Portfolios.
Submission of publications/research outputs
Research outputs are submitted via the WMIER website. Click the red SUBMIT RESEARCH button on the right-hand side of the home page and follow the prompts. Before submitting your research output check it has not already been submitted in your IRIS profile. On your homepage check your 'my summary' section by year or by publication.
A quick introduction to PBRF
Professional activities
- Adding a professional activity
- Exporting and printing a list of your professional activities
- Exporting and printing a list of publications
Research contributions
For more information on PBRF including an overview, purpose, publications and quality evaluation see the Tertiary Education Commission
More Helpful PBRF Information
If you need further assistance about how to submit your research please contact Margaret Drummond: or Extn. 6110.