Pastoral care code

The Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners Code of Practice 2021 (the Code) sets out the University’s role and responsibilities in ensuring the wellbeing and safety of students.

The Code came into effect in January 2022 and builds on and replaces the previous Codes.

Key Features for the Code

The University’s responsibilities under the Code include:

  • Supporting students’ wellbeing and safety through a whole-of-provider approach.
  • Fostering learning environments that are designed to support positive student learning experiences across diverse learner groups.
  • Providing pathways to engage with the student voice.
  • Having policies and practices that contribute to an education system that honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Providing a clear complaints and disputes resolution process.
  • Providing students residing in University student accommodation with a safe and positive place to live.

The Code also sets out some additional guidelines for the wellbeing of international students.  Further information about the Code can be found at: NZQA Code Information.

University Accommodation Pastoral Care

Complaints about the University’s Compliance with the Code

The Code details a pathway for students to raise concerns about the University’s compliance with the Code.  In the first instance, students are expected to raise their concerns directly with the University through the University’s complaints procedures process.

If a student subsequently feels that their concerns/complaints are not effectively addressed by the University, then they can escalate the matter to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). Information on this process is available at NZQA - Make a complaint.

If the complaint relates to a financial or contractual matter, then it is likely that NZQA will refer the matter to the Disputes Resolution Scheme (DRS). There are two schemes: a DRS for international learners, and a DRS for domestic learners.

University Wellbeing Services

The wellbeing and safety of students is a priority to the University and there are a range of support services available, examples of which include:

University of Waikato Code-related reports

As a requirement of the Code, the University will undertake periodic reviews to assess how well it is meeting the Code's outcomes.

Copies of self-review reports and other reporting documents – including complaint reports and critical incident reports – are available to download and read: