Violence Prevention
This service provides initiatives to the University community that aim to prevent interpersonal violence and promote safer campuses. This page contains information on accessing these.
If you or someone else are in immediate danger, call 111. If you cannot speak, stay silent and press 55. View more information.
Keep up to date with Violence Prevention on Instagram
Read our Respectful Relationships and Interactions in Aotearoa New Zealand pamphlet.
Violence Prevention is part of the Student Health Service and provides initiatives that are aimed at the whole university community with the intention of preventing interpersonal violence before it occurs and promoting a safe university community. These initiatives include workshops, online learning, campaigns and events, and advice/support to staff and student leaders who are supporting students from the Violence Prevention Coordinator.
The Violence Prevention team includes the Violence Prevention Coordinator and Violence Prevention Health Promoter. Volunteer Student Violence Prevention Ambassadors also support Violence Prevention initiatives.
Where can I find support?
The Student Health Service is able to provide on-campus support, resources and referrals for students experiencing interpersonal violence. This includes support from the General Practice (including the Tauranga Student Health Nurse), the Mental Health and Wellbeing team, and wider Student Health team or Bay Counselling and Therapy (Tauranga).
For information on campus security go to Student Safety or call 07 838 4444 for 24/7 Unisafe (Campus Security).
For more information regarding services and support both internally and externally, click on the red tabs above and scroll to the bottom of the page for support in your area.
Having an awareness of and responding safely to instances of interpersonal violence is everyone's responsibility! We provide training to both staff and students to support them at the University of Waikato and beyond.
For Students
Bringing in the Bystander
People talk about bystander intervention a lot, but what exactly is it and why does it matter? This face-to-face prevention workshop aims to empower our university community to gain the knowledge and skills needed to identify and safely intervene before, during and after instances of interpersonal violence.
- "Well-presented and thought-provoking thank you"
- "Great experience of interacting with people from different cultures/backgrounds to share ideas & explore cases. thank you!"
- "Would like to see more students taking up the opportunity to participate in these workshops."
- "It was a great environment with meaningful information"
To enquire about a workshop contact:
Workshops will be advertised to students via Student News and Instagram as they become available.
Street Smart Self-defence Workshop
Thanks to the Student Health Service's: Violence Prevention and the Waikato Students' Union, we are bringing students Street Smart Self-defence by MINDSET Self-Defence & Close Quarters Combat!
Join us for this 4-week workshop to develop your self-defence skills. These sessions are free to current University of Waikato students.
Students will be advised of upcoming workshops via social media and Student News.
For Staff & Student Leaders
Hybrid workshop: Bringing in the Bystander x Responding to disclosures
Having an awareness of and responding safely to instances of interpersonal violence is everyone's responsibility! We provide a face-to-face one-day workshop that will support participants to develop the skills of bystander intervention, and responding to disclosures of violence. It also provides an overview of the University’s Interpersonal Violence Policy and Sexual Violence Policy.
Staff can find out more via Te Hononga.
For Students & Staff
Consent Matters
Staff and students at the University of Waikato have access to an online module via Moodle called Consent Matters. This module supports the understanding of what consent is, and what their rights and responsibilities are. The module only takes one hour to complete.
Tackling Harassment
Staff and students at the University of Waikato have access to an online module via Moodle called Tackling Harassment. This module aims to raise awareness on harassment and hate, counteract barriers to reporting and intervention, and encourage positive social and cultural change throughout the whole university community.
Relationships and Sexual Health
This online course, Relationships and Sexual Health, provides introductory information on the topics of contraception, sexual health, relationships and consent. This module was developed by the Student Health Service Registered Nurse Community Prescriber based in Tauranga and the Violence Prevention Coordinator.
For Staff & Student Leaders
Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence
Staff and student leaders at The University of Waikato have access to an online module called Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence. This module supports staff and student leaders with the knowledge to safely respond to someone who discloses an experience of sexual violence.
If you are having issues accessing the modules please contact:
The University of Waikato has a zero-tolerance stance towards violence. Violence impacts the health and wellbeing of students and staff and may be in breach of the Interpersonal Violence Policy, Sexual Violence Policy, Code of Student Conduct, Staff Code of Conduct.
The Interpersonal Violence Procedures and Sexual Violence Procedures provide guidance on the University of Waikato's response and prevention regarding interpersonal violence, family violence, and sexual violence. The Interpersonal Violence Procedures also reference a University of Waikato Personal Safety Plan for people who have been harmed and who are harming others.
Relevant University Policy and Procedures:
- Interpersonal Violence Policy, Procedures, Personal Safety Plan (interpersonal violence within the University community)
- Sexual Violence Policy & Procedures (sexual violence towards students by students)
- Bullying and Harassment Policy (bullying and harassment of staff by staff)
- Student Discipline Regulations (complaints from anyone about students)
- Student Complaints Procedures (complaints by a student about anything)
How to make a complaint
If you would like to make a complaint, you can do this online via our Complaints page. Alternatively, staff in the Student Centre and Waikato Students' Union Advocacy and Voice team can also help you.
Students can contact the Violence Prevention Coordinator for information on the policies/complaints process. Alternatively, if you are an international student and need support with the formal complaint process you can speak with an International Student Advisor.
Violence support
Student Health Information
General Practice Clinic
Tauranga Student Health
Student Health Service Fees
After-hours urgent care
International students health insurance and support
Complaints procedure
Meningococcal vaccines
Mental health first aid
Mental health and wellbeing
Sexual health
Wellbeing tools and strategies
Violence Prevention