We regularly update this handbook and its linked resources. Please contact Te Puna Ako if you would like to see more on particular aspects of assessment.

Waikato Students' Union (WSU)

WSU offers advocacy services for students on a variety of matters. The WSU can support you, for example, if there is an academic misconduct complaint made against you.

Student Learning

Student Learning is an academic skills development service within Te Puna Ako - Centre for Tertiary Teaching and Learning. They provide a free, confidential academic skills development service for all students at the University on both the Hamilton and Tauranga campuses. Student Learning tutors help students to develop and improve their tertiary academic literacy, English language, and numeracy skills to become successful, self-directed learners.

eTuts Team

The eTuts team is a group of University of Waikato students who help staff and students with teaching and learning technology, including Moodle, Turnitin, Panopto, Mahara, and citation management software such as EndNote and Zotero. The eTuts consult with students one-on-one and run workshops to help them better utilise technology in their learning.

The University of Waikato Library

The Library has high quality relevant information for your assignments, and they can help you develop your information literacy skills by teaching you how to:

  1. Search effectively
  2. Evaluate what you find to determine if it’s useful (is it peer reviewed, for instance?)
  3. Reference correctly*

Request a consultation with a librarian or check out their online self-paced workshops and 2 minute video guides.

Before doing anything, check out the Reading List for your paper and see what your lecturer recommends - type your course code (e.g. HLTSC102) into the Reading list search box.

If you need more information visit the Subject Portals which recommend databases, books, journals, dictionaries and encyclopedias for each major subject area.

If you’re not sure what you need from the library, please contact the Library to be directed to the right place.

*For help with EndNote and other citation management software, see above for how to reach the e-Tuts team.

Student Services

Student Services provide a central service for student welfare, support and accommodation, and policies, information, advice and services relating to student administration and academic matters.

Student Empowerment

Study Advising Programme

Study Advising is a programme designed to help new students over their first year of undergraduate study. Every first year student is automatically allocated a dedicated staff member – a Study Advisor.

Works Cited

Ambrose, S.A., Bridges, M.W., DiPietro, M., Lovett, M.C., & Norman, M.K. (2023). How learning works: Seven research-based principles for smart teaching (2nd ed.)John Wiley & Sons.


Te Puna Ako - Centre for Tertiary Teaching & Learning wishes to acknowledge the work of the former Teaching Development Unit in the initial development of this handbook and associated assessment material. Thank you also to the many staff from around the university who provided comments on different sections of the handbook, and to Maria-Teresa Corino, who copyedited the handbook text and designed the web interface.

Images: Hamilton campus murals were mostly painted as part of Boon street art events. Artworks reflecting the cultural heritage of Tauranga Moana were integral to the creation of the Tauranga campus: see stories behind the tukutuku panels.

Student Assessment Handbook