Baljinder Devgun
Bachelor of Science (Technology), Graduate Diploma, Master of Management Studies
Jasmine chose the University of Waikato because the Tauranga campus is in her hometown, which meant she could stay near her family.
International Professional Experience exchange 2023
I was born and raised in Mount Maunganui, and I went to Mount Maunganui College.
After completing year 13, I moved to Australia and did a bit of travelling.
I worked with tamariki for many years in tourism in Australia and really enjoyed it.
I had wanted to study teaching for a long time, but living overseas and studying wasn’t really an option for me in Australia.
When Covid-19 hit, my job in tourism slowed down and it was the motivation I needed to finally move home and study.
I enjoy helping people and working with tamariki, and I wanted a job where I can have a positive impact and make a difference.
I chose the University of Waikato because the Tauranga campus is in my hometown, which meant I could stay near my family.
I have just completed my second year of the teaching degree in Tauranga, and I look forward to heading into my third year.
I like that the Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) degree gives me one day a week in school from week one in my first year. I have enjoyed spending time in school each week, it keeps me motivated and I can implement the things I am learning at university into the classroom.
The University of Waikato also offers the CUSP (Collaborative University School Partnerships) programme which allows me to build relationships with tamariki and kaiako throughout the year before my placement at the end of the year and I find this quite important.
Having good relationships with students and staff helped me enjoy and get the most from my placements. The best part [of our programme] has to be the days in school.
In 2022 I was one of four students to receive the Vice-Chancellor’s Adult Learners’ Awards, which was a great recognition of all the hard work I’ve put into my studies.
This year I am also the Tauranga Director for the WSU, I’ll be working alongside the Hamilton team helping the student voice to be heard.
This summer [2023] I went on an education exchange programme to Denmark, where I spent four weeks teaching students at Aby Skole, in the city of Aarhus. It was through VIA University College, Denmark, and it was a great opportunity to combine my love of travel with studying.
As an educator, I want to learn more about different countries and cultures to up-skill and help prepare me for my teaching career.
A highlight of the trip was teaching Danish students to count in te reo Māori, while they taught us in Danish, and observing the differences between their classrooms and curriculum, and ours in New Zealand.
After graduation, I hope to secure a teaching job to complete my registration in the Bay of Plenty.
I would also like to do further study and complete my master’s degree from the Tauranga campus.
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